Thursday, March 10, 2011

Beatings, Harassment, and Headaches.

So, quite frankly, today has been one of those days. You know, the kind where you're only half awake, stressed, frazzled, and low on time.
My day started with a fist fight.
I woke up and took a shower at the ridiculous time in the morning of 6:00am. I had to get ready for class. Things were normal. I was tired. I get out of the shower, put on my bathrobe and return to my room, where I am frontally assaulted by a tall figure. That's right, I was attacked in my bedroom while I was nearly naked. But don't worry. I kicked butt...well...helium.
That's right my attacker was a balloon. Remember that sweet post I wrote about Valentine's Day and my dad buying my mom roses? And every year he gets me a balloon and chocolate? This year I got my balloon and it is still alive and floating. I have kept it in my room pinned to my clothes hamper, but this morning it got loose. The balloon suffered very little damage (Not sure how I feel about this. What does it say about my fighting? Or does it comment on balloon resistance?)and is now more firmly affixed to my bed at ceiling height to avoid further scares and conflicts.
But that is not all that happened today. Oh no! Next came my accidental harassment of a bum. I was walking home from school and my neighborhood is not high-brow, but it isn't the slums either. But on my brief journey home there are these two guys leaning against a wall. One smiles and stops me and utters a guttural string of undecipherable symbolic sounds. I didn't understand him so I asked him to repeat his question. He looks terribly confused at me, not expecting this and says (this is a phonetic spelling, please bare with me) "Doo ye-ah ave sooom chieanges?' Again I didn't understand him so I so articulately asked "What?" again. He looks at me, like I am the one who must be mentally slow and asked 'Do you have some change?' The whole thing was still very slurred but I finally understood what he was asking. I started laughing, probably looking like a total maniac. I quickly said 'no' and walked on, noting that the two bums were looking after me like I was an escaped mental patient.
And to cap this interesting and exhausting day, where I appear to be not all there in the head, I got a migraine that knocked me on my butt. When the world starts turning crazy stripped colors, you have no equilibrium, and whispers start to sound like screams, it is time to slow down. But I don't have the time to slow down. In fact, I still had a meeting to go to. So, after laying down in the dark for as long as possible I end up in my council meeting clutching a Coke full of caffeine as my life source. I don't think anything was harder than that loudly sung opening hymn sitting next to the most exuberant singer in the room.
Oh what a fun life this is. Crazy stuff. I hope it will be sometime before I have another day like this one.

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